Get In Touch
20851 - Lissone
Monza Brianza
Ph: +39 347 23 18 534

About me

Creativity is intelligence
having fun.

Ho una passione sfrenata per la grafica, il mondo digitale e per il mio lavoro in generale, per ogni sua piccola sfaccettatura e per ogni sua espressione.

La cosa più bella della mia professione è il continuo studio che richiede, per non perdere terreno in un mondo in continua evoluzione, in un mondo che si aspetta sempre il massimo, in un mondo che non aspetta.

I miei obiettivi professionali mi portano a puntare sempre più in alto possibile, per poter migliorare sotto ogni punto di vista, sia professionale che personale.

Ciò che mi caratterizza in modo positivo è la facile adattabilità, la capacità di lavorare in team ed il problem solving. Professionalità, passione e curiosità sono le caratteristiche che esprimono al meglio il mio modo di lavorare e la mia idea di lavoro.

"L'unico modo di fare un ottimo lavoro, è amare quello che fai."

Steve Jobs

Tre strumenti chiave che caratterizzano il mio modo di lavorare


Lo reputo un aspetto fondamentale nel mio lavoro. Senza lo studio, ci sarebbe una stagnazione della creatività e della conoscenza personale, che comporterebbe la “perdita di terreno” in un ambiente ed in un mondo in continua evoluzione.


Il mondo della grafica e della creatività hanno bisogno sempre di qualcosa di nuovo, che possa stimolare emozioni e, in maniera originale, queste possono nascere solo grazie alla sperimentazione, sia con i più classici strumenti, sia con quelli più impensabili, conferendo unicità al prodotto finale.


È il processo e la dimensione che riesce a migliorare e portare dei benefici a tutto ciò che prima era “comune”. Questo è l’obiettivo che mi pongo all’inizio di ogni progetto: dargli quel plus che lo farà emergere dal saturo mercato in cui viviamo.


progetti completati


tutorial seguiti


articoli di grafica letti


What our clients
say about our


We're a team of creatives who are excited about unique ideas.


Brand Strategy & Art Direction

Creating a higher spacing and how people move through a unique and impactful campaign.


Typography & Video Production

Spaces of each debt in the digital world can help you with overall simplest authentic.


UX/UI Design & Website Design

Get a regulatory oneven an enterprises such she and the got the did attributing and pushed.


Promo Campaigns & Content Creation

Making an email campaigns to achieve a real impact.


What our clients
say about our

Customer Support

“It's totally customizable with the theme settings, its compatible with a tonne of important plugins and the support is outstanding.”

Alex Regelman

Co-founder, Colabrio

Design Quality

“I tell you what, there has never been an issue that Cory from the Colabrio Support Team hasn't been able to solve for me.”

Laura Morton

UI/UX Designer, Colabrio

Design Quality

“I tell you what, there has never been an issue that Cory from the Colabrio Support Team hasn't been able to solve for me.”

Stacey Rickson

Project Manager, Colabrio


Creative studio with
art & technologies.

We work in the fields of UI/UX design and art direction.

Website & Mobile App Design

Using year-over-year design approaches and latest techs, we will ensure that your new website will be visible, accessible, and treads lightly.

Motion Graphics & Animation

Using year-over-year design approaches and latest techs, we will ensure that your new website will be visible, accessible, and treads lightly.

User Experience

Using year-over-year design approaches and latest techs, we will ensure that your new website will be visible, accessible, and treads lightly.

Let’s collaborate

Send us an email,
to discuss a new project.

We’re a team of creatives who are excited about unique ideas and help fin-tech companies to create amazing identity by crafting top-notch UI/UX.



The awards won
by our project.

When our team provides design and digital marketing. Applied arts can include industrial design, graphic design, fashion design, and the decorative arts which traditionally includes craft objects.

3x Site of the Day

2x Best Website

5x Mobile of the Day

5x Mobile of the Day


Awards & Honors

The awards won
by our project.

Our clients describe us as a product team which creates amazing UI/UX experiences, by crafting top-notch user experience.

5x Developer Award

2x Best Website

3x Site of the Day

2x Best Website

5x Mobile of the Day

What’s in the works?
Play Promo

Made with passion

Modern and cutting-edge approach for creating digital and connected brands,
services, and
01 // Showcase


We are passionate to create deeply connected brands, services, and campaigns to enable stable and successful relationships between businesses and customers.

Diseño Gráfico

Design Direction UI/UX

World’s Relays

Design Direction UI/UX

Badalona Diseño

Design Direction UI/UX

Lactica Sweet Break

Design Direction UI/UX

Spacing it Easier

Design Direction UI/UX

Automated Machine

Design Direction UI/UX

Bright Captive

Design Direction UI/UX
04 // This is how we do it

Our clients describe us as a product team which creates amazing digital experiences.

Ready to talk business? Shoot us an email.

Since 2012, we’ve launched hundreds of unique visual systems and strategies to achieve the best result in the digital world. Check out some of our recent works.

Effective Conversion Rate (2020)

awards for digital


designers and

Giugno 3, 2020

Diseño Gráfico

We’ve created a unique visual system and strategy across the wide existing spectrum of visible mobile applications and found yourself in a wide, straggling…

  • Strategy

    Design Direction, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    Envato Market

View Project
Giugno 3, 2020

World’s Relays

We’ve created a unique visual system and strategy across the wide existing spectrum of visible mobile applications and found yourself in a wide, straggling…

  • Strategy

    Design Direction, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    Envato Market

View Project
Giugno 3, 2020

Badalona Diseño

We’ve created a unique visual system and strategy across the wide existing spectrum of visible mobile applications and found yourself in a wide, straggling…

  • Strategy

    Design Direction, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    Envato Market

View Project
Giugno 3, 2020

Lactica Sweet Break

We’ve created a unique visual system and strategy across the wide existing spectrum of visible mobile applications and found yourself in a wide, straggling…

  • Strategy

    Design Direction, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    Envato Market

View Project
Giugno 3, 2020

Spacing it Easier

We’ve created a unique visual system and strategy across the wide existing spectrum of visible mobile applications and found yourself in a wide, straggling…

  • Strategy

    Design Direction, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    Envato Market

View Project
Giugno 3, 2020

Automated Machine

We’ve created a unique visual system and strategy across the wide existing spectrum of visible mobile applications and found yourself in a wide, straggling…

  • Strategy

    Design Direction, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    Envato Market

View Project
Giugno 3, 2019

Bright Captive

We’ve created a unique visual system and strategy across the wide existing spectrum of visible mobile applications and found yourself in a wide, straggling…

  • Strategy

    Design Direction, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    Envato Market

View Project